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Friday, May 30, 2014

New Free Stuff Page!

So it seems that Google Chrome doesn't like Mediafire. That might explain why people have had a hard time with my free stuff downloads. Well I have collected all of the Free Stuff I have posted and put it onto Google Drive. And if you look right over there --------->

You will see a new FREE STUFF page that has links to all of the stuff I have posted.

Emergency Month End Post!

Guilt, guilt, guilt. So long without a substantive post....

Over on the Pinnacle Forums I asked the crew for some craft suggestions, as in what would they like to see. There have only been a couple of respondents but The One asked for dungeon decorations. Now there are a lot of free Fantasy style decorations on the net, but not so much for Sci-Fi.

Well here goes the first printable page of freebies for your Sci-Fi game. (Edit: I just updated it into two pages as the size of the original was crowding the margins. This resulted in it not printing at true size.) (Edit PS: I also switched the download location to Google Drive. Mediafire may be a bit old school and hopefully people won't have issues downloading anymore.)

I think this is going to be a thing at month's end. I'll try to post more free tiles and standees for your rpg maps. I am hoping that with E3 around the corner and the end of my long work hours in sight that I will have the energy to keep this a monthly thing.

And BTW, the comments section is lonely. Drop me a line, let me know if there is something you would like to see.

As for sci-fi, I loves-me-some cheezy 1970's sci-fi. I even own Zardoz on DVD. Well I came across an awesome website for a fan like me called Space 1970. Most of the films mentioned on this blog I have seen but there was one I hadn't even heard of until I saw it mentioned on the blog: Moon Zero Two. It was billed as "the first moon western" and actually I believe it was a product of the late 1960's (1969).

I was expecting something as-awful or more-awful than Zardoz but this was an enjoyable little flick. It's very hard to track down but if you like old sci-fi movies then it is a definite worthy watch. I would rate it right up there with Space 1999.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Ahhh E3!

I know I have been absent for a while. Basically I have been busting my butt working overtime so the video game I am working on for Microsoft can make a good showing at E3. My one day off a week is spent sleeping so I haven't had the energy to get crafty.

So what I will say is if your a fan of Savage Worlds, I suggest you pick up Marchland over on Drivethru RPG. I will say that I usually despise the whole World of Darkness scene. It's a great game but I have been exposed to too many weepy-moany vampires in movies, TV, and in the LARP. But this game actually made me consider running a game in a supernatural vein, basically because it isn't a world of Darkness. It's a world of Hellboy, and hell yeah I can get behind that.

I came across the game after Kurt Weigel's excellent review that can be viewed here.

I suppose I should do a review of it and post one here when my schedule frees up.

BTW, Dave at came across an old experiment I did with geomorphs and while I didn't pursue it very far, he asked if I would submit my designs to his site. I was flattered so I will plug for him. If you don't know what a geomorph is, check out the site. You might discover a new tool for your GM arsenal.