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Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Ill Effects of a Gaming Haiatus

I find this interesting. I have been working on my sci-fi setting for nearly a year now it seems, and I haven't played Savage Worlds in about two years.

So I lost my last gaming group to a variety of life problems, as well as the fact that no one wanted to play Savage Worlds. All of the gaming I have been doing has been Pathfinder Society. Nevertheless my life feels unfulfilled with that system and I want to get back to creative action. I promised myself the next game I was going to run would be Savage Worlds Sci Fi and I started working on this setting.

Now it's a year later, the setting isn't done (not because it is exceptionally detailed, I just can't get my mind to settle on the setting background). I'm beginning to think that part of my problem in making this setting is that I have no players. That I haven't had players in a long time.

I need to get off my butt and start running again.Part of my brain thinks that once I get players for the system, details will just fall in to place. I will be able to build on what the players want and not just what's rattling around in my head.

I'm thinking that technically I have enough of my sci-fi setting to start running it and that the rest can just be made up on the way. I take courage that works like Daring Tales of the Space Lanes really offered no setting but still were a lot of fun.

So today's lesson I learned is "Get out there and play!"