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Free Stuff


Generic Lifepath Creator - Based on the R. Talisorian Lifepath System from the Mekton and Cyberpunk rpgs


Officially Licensed Savage Worlds Stuff

Free Test Drive Rules - New to Savage Worlds? Want to try before you buy? Download this free pdf and see what the fuss is all about.
Official Savage Worlds Character Sheet
Savage Worlds Combat Survival Guide - A list of tactics that players can use when they run up against difficult villains. It's more of a tutorial on how to think outside the Red Box.
Burst Templates
GM Screen Tables

Some Free Setting Rules from Triple Ace Games.
Daring Tales of the Space Lanes - Sci-Fi (Space Fantasy ala Star Wars)
Daring Tales of the Sprawl - Cyberpunk
Daring Tales of Adventure - Pulp adventure
Be sure to check out their awesome selection of titles like Helfrost!

A Yelp In The Dark Originals

Generic Savage Worlds Character Sheet    Color   PF
Necessary Evil Character Sheet

Savage Worlds Adventures Tools

The Wild Hunt Tools
The Eye of Kilquato Tools