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Friday, June 20, 2014

Free Stuff Fridays! - Grocery Store Standees

First Up- Some free Stuff! Grocery Store decor and standees. Basically this set is just shopping carts, registers, and grocery shelf standees but they should come in handy when your heroes get holed up in the Store Mart during a zombie apocalypse.

Second Up- Last Sunday I had the privilege of shaking Mike Pondsmith's hand at Uncle's Games in Redmond. I'd just like to say I played the heck out of Mekton II and Mekton Zeta and look forward to the upcoming Mekton Zero. I even wrote a modern review of Mekton Zeta over at

Third Up- I like the sound of Free Stuff Fridays and I need to pace myself. So looks like I'll try uploading new standees and tokens every Friday.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program...