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Monday, August 4, 2014

Adventure Mondays! - Part 9

And here we go again...

  • An Unstoppable Monster is coming to destroy everything.
  • The heroes are waylaid by bandits, but the robbers are children. How will the heroes handle this?
  • Animals have started attacking a town every night. They seem to want something inside the old church, but the locals aren't talking.
  • The players receive a map showing the location of a hidden treasure deep into the wilderness, over difficult terrain infested with dangerous animals. Is it real, a ruse, or a terrible trap for greedy looters?
  • Poor laborers beg the players to save them from their cruel overlord, a man who holds a contract for each of them that allows him to legally exploit them for underpaid, dangerous labor.
  • The heroes are hired to rescue a family member taken hostage to blackmail the parents.
  • The heroes are assigned as the escort of a Troublesome Noble.
  • A dangerous creature is plaguing the locals and a bounty has been placed for its hide.
  • Uncover the spy that may be in a travelling theater group.
  • The heroes wake up in a recently deserted town with no memory of the previous three days.