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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

No GM Wednesday Today, But New Bike!

Real life has taken up much of my time. The weekend was spent looking for a new bike and I even had to take Tuesday off so I could hit the loan office and then the dealer to pick up my new bike. Tomorrow I have to go in to work late as I wait for Geico to come pick up my scrapped bike.

So I'll be back to business next week.

On a side note, I stopped by Half-Priced Books and hit a small jackpot. I scored a hardback copy of Deadlands Reloaded and a digest sized After Ragnarok, both in excellent condition. There were other books from the Savage Worlds line there like Suzerain and .... I forced myself to walk out with just two books until next paycheck. There were other game lines too in near mint condition like Pathfinder, a second printing of Mekton Zeta and Zeta Plus...

If you are in the Redmond Washington area, go to the Half -Priced Books and save these games from euthenasia. Won't you help? (...cue Sarah McLachlin).