Then I took a walk to clear my head.
That's when a credo I used to live by, but had been long-forgotten, bubbled up in my brain-pan.
Question: How much of the game world do I have to prep?
Answer: Only what the character's see.
That said, what do I need to build using the Savage Worlds core book to make this setting work?
An Elevator Pitch - The heroes are average-joe scumbags and privateers out to make a quick starbuck and stay out of jail while working for a secret society outside the government that is trying to end corruption and protect civilization from collapsing to darker forces.
Races - I've built templates but the rules for creating alien races is already in the core book.
New Edges and Hindrances - Only if I need something to help capture the feel of Eighties sci-fi. So far all that comes to mind is the ability to mod a starship.
Weapons - Use the same stats for modern weapons, but ignore AP. Assume Blasters can penetrate any armor. Just give the guns spiffy sounding names. For instance the shotgun is now a Disintegrator Gun.
Gear - The current fad is combining, (my phone is a computer, camera, radio, tv, news, and weather device). So roll up all of the ubiquitous tools into a single device.
Starships - Okay this will take some work. This is the heroes primary base of operations and transportation. The rules for this may play a big deal in the setting. Also their are a lot of things in the sci-fi companion that I either don't need or doesn't fit the feel I am looking for. This is where I will be spending most of my work time.
I'll post what roughs I have when they are presentable. Right now my notes are scattered all over the place.