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Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Mr. Exposition

 It's just an idea that popped into my head one cold and windy eve. The idea was "why not put a GMPC with the party?"

WAIT! Hear me out!

The Storyteller

This character travels with the heroes and fulfils the roll of telling players what they don't know. Typically this is left to the players - the one's who don't know yet. Result? The GM distributes the exposition and the player/ bard replies "Yeah, I say that".

Well, let's get rid of the middleman? The GMPC should be the bard of the group. He's a total non-combatant, and is just tagging-along to write the heroes' saga. So what can he do?

1) Speak in character while extolling pertinent information.

2) Be used as an adventure seed. A player might mention "I wish I had a magic shield that I could throw and have return." Then the musty old Tenku bard fixes a bleary eye on the character. "You mean like the mighty shield of Kappn M'rika? Perhaps I shall tell you the tale when we have less important work to do." Then, when you've figured out the side quest for the Shield of Kappn M'rika, the bard can tell the tale (of where it is and how well it is guarded).

Now this bard provides no other support. He's just there to give that juicy backstory you worked all night on that the players wouldn't encounter otherwise. He isn't there to talk the party's way passed the guards, gather information, cast magic of any kind. He's just an encyclopedia for your heroes.

You could also make Mr. Exposition an exceptionally well informed Henchling (the one who carries the luggage).

Oh yes, remember you can always kill him if the heroes become too fond of him.