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Sunday, December 12, 2021

A Word About Acting

 Acting for the stage is very different than acting for a movie. 

It's all to do with where your audience is.

On the stage, the closest audience member is 5-10 feet away. So your acting needs to be big! Your voice, even in whisper, needs to project so that even those seated in the cheap-seats can hear. Your body should animate with huge gestures to show who is taking.

Acting for the camera means going small. The camera (thus audience) is right there, looking at the pores in your nose, the twitch of your eye. Your speech needn't be loud or bellowing, but soft and subtle. A great actor can convey so much emotion through such subtle acting.

So please, consider how far away your audience is at the game table, and try to act accordingly. Especially if there are other people around you.

This has been a message from Thoggius "Uses-Squirrel-As-Club" Ponderbrain III. Have a functional day.